
Fire ball games online
Fire ball games online

However, in the Odyssey, after Odysseus sails from Ogygia, his raft is wrecked by a storm, and he is washed up on Scheria. There is little evidence to indicate balls and ball play took place during the time of the Trojan wars. Homer’s epic story that depicted the trials of Odysseus was written 400 years after the Trojan Wars. The first written account of ball play in western literature is written by Homer in the Odyssey dating back between c.

#Fire ball games online trial

Here two teams of eight players each performed a preset number of trials, and the team with the most kicks in a single trial was the winner.

fire ball games online

Another competitive form of play was called shobu mari. Played in this way there were no winner or losers. The object was to keep the ball in the air for as many kicks as possible. The ball was kicked with the right foot, often several times in succession, before it was passed to another player. This form of play was called marikai (ball meets). Two teams of eight players were posted among the four trees, in one form of the game, volleys could be limited to a set number of 120, 300, 360, 700, and 1000. Volleying the ball up into the tree branches created irregular ball flight adding difficulty to the play. Each tree was assigned a corner of the court. Four different kinds of trees were considered appropriate: cherry, willow, maple, and pine. In the eleventh century, however, trees were purposely planted for use in kemari. It was apparently the custom in the tenth century to locate kemari courts among trees that have grown naturally. Other items of equipment included poles used to retrieve balls caught in trees, net to keep balls off roofs, and blinds to block the rays of the setting sun. The white or yellow balls were sometimes said tosymbolize not only the sun and moon but also the principles of yin and yang. The balls were coated with albumen (egg white) and then coated with an additional coat of face power mixed with glue. These light balls were so delicate that they were liable to collapse if kicked too hard. The ball, was made of deerskin, was hollow. That allegation has been accepted by most works on kemari to this day, but the style of play, Chinese kemari ( cuju) is different from the Japanese version of the game and a different ball is used. They allege the game, like so much of Japanese culture, came from China. The earliest writings on kamari are from the twelfth century. With 1,300 courts having been excavated, it is clear that the games were played for enjoyment and competition where much wagering often took place. If this was a common practice, there would not be many ball players left over a short period of time. These ritual beheadings were rare, as it was also said that the loosing team also lost their heads. This after a game had been played with the captured King preordained to be on the losing side. The game of Pok-ta-Pok is often associated with the ritual beheading of captured apposing Mayan Kings. Still today a version of the game is played by ranchers in Mexico and is called Ulama. The Mayan’s named this game Pok-ta-Pok, later to be named ullamaliztli by the Aztec’s. It is interesting to note that the use of rubber in balls did not appear in Europe until the 1850’s when gutta percha was used to make golf balls.

fire ball games online

In Central Mexico, tribute exacted by Montezuma from the lowland tribes included some 16,000 such ball each year. The games were played throughout central America, and where the plant life did not yield latex, balls were imported. Some balls were the size of a tenpin bowling ball, while others were smaller if they needed to fit through the vertical stone ring. Balls varied in size depending on the type of contest. Latex was first harvested from the native flora, the water was then evaporated hastened by fire and adding herbs that contained sulfur that volcanized the rubber.

Fire ball games online