
Total drama action
Total drama action

total drama action

Foresight, that's why they pay me the big bucks! Beach Blanket Bogus Lindsay: When did you guys move the beach to Antarctica? Chris: As some of you can see, we're actually in the shooting studio.

total drama action

Chris: Can I get a pen, over here? It says "E-Scope, now, okay? Yo, guys, wanna make sure we keep this ballot in the files as an official record of Kaleidoscope's departure? I'll notarize it. It sounds like something that has rabies.

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It’s not like being called a gaffer is something to brag about. E-Scope? E-Scope (Izzy): Here! Hi! Chris: Gwen, I christen your team, The Screaming Gaffers. Izzy? Lindsay: She likes to be called Kaleidoscope. Trent: Um, I guess Izzy is on my team then. If for no other reason but to shut him up. Owen: Woohoo! Harold: Uh, hello? Don’t wicked skills count for anything? I mean, who else here went to film camp and is fully trained as a junior cinematographer with a thorough knowledge of lighting filters, film stop– Gwen: I pick Harold. Trent: How do you choose between flakier and flakiest? At least Owen got farther in the last game, that’s worth something. Heather: Really? It’s about time someone realized who’s the most valuable player here. Leshawna: Remember, keep your enemies closer. Leshawna: The girls are back in town! Lindsay: You know what would be so great? If you picked Tyler! Trent: Tyler’s not in the game anymore. Because I like to keep things cool, I pick Leshawna. And now she wants to be on the same team? What am I supposed to make of that? You think you know a person! I choose the beautiful Lindsay! Lindsay: Yay! Gwen: “The beautiful”? What, was Trent trying to tick me off by picking Lindsay like that? You think you know a person. Duncan? Trent: I can’t believe she just went ahead and chose Duncan! I mean, they’re kind of alike. I know exactly who's going to get it this week! Lindsay: Two words! Bridgette and Geoff! DJ: Least they'll have each other! Chris: Any final words? Riot on Set Chris: Okay, let’s get this bloodbath started. LeShawna! LeShawna: Whoo-Hoo! Oops! My bad! Bridgette: But, But. Thanks, Chris! And thanks Chef! For doing what the prunes couldn't! Chris: Next is DJ, surprisingly Heather and last but not least. E-Scope: E-scope! Chris: Fine! E-Scope! Lindsay, Justin and Beth are also safe! Both: Yay! Chris: And so is Owen, my man! Owen: Aww. Lotions, lasers, traditional Burmese medicine, Loser shamin'!Ĭhris: And the Gilded Chris goes to Trent, Gwen, Harold, Duncan and Izzy. Lindsay: That is so deep!Ĭhef: This is for last season when you put laxatives in my brownies! The only thing that should give people the runs is my under-cooked meat! Heather: My wig! No! Don't look at me! Ever since my head was shaved last season, my hair is growing in all patchy and uneven. Harold: Does it hurt? E-Scope: Only when I hiccup! Oww!īeth: Even though Heather can be really mean, that doesn’t mean we should be mean back, right? Buddha says, you can lead a sheep to water, but, you can’t make it nice. Uh huh! I’ve been abducted loads of times! There’s a tracking device on my neck, see. Alien Resur-eggtion E-Scope: Hey! Follow me! I know aliens. I may be a pretty boy on the outside, but in here… there's a man filled with rage who's in this thing to win, and mark my words, I will stop at nothing, so no one better stand in my way 'cause I will make sure they don't… uh… stand in my way for long, okay? Ah, perfection. But this year, this year will be different. Justin: Last year, I wasn't really a contender.

#Total drama action full#

There’s still one more! LeShawna: You know what that boy has? Guts! Guts full of foam core and rubber. Party on! Harold: I could've done that, you know. Full props for that, man! Geoff: Way to find the key, dude! I used to think Owen was just some party dude, but he's really a stand-up guy. Owen: Alright! Duncan: Did you see that? Dude ate foam core and wax. Owen: What key? Oh! You mean this key? Chris: That'd be the one. Owen: Fake? Chris: Yep! Just props made from foamcore, silicone, sawdust and wax. Chris: Not surprising, since the food was fake. How was it? Owen: The turkey was a bit-dry. Beth: My mom said my world would totally open up when I got my braces off! She was right! I'M going to France! Lindsay and Beth: Yay! Duncan: Dude! It's about time! Chris: Hop on, Everyone! C'mon, people! Sheesh! We haven't got all day! This cart's rented by the hour! Owen: Izzy! Run! I mean, Kaleidoscope. Leshawna: You look Fi-I-I-ne, girl! Gwen: You really do! Lindsay: You're totally on your way to looking the part of my new BFF! That's my new best French friend. The money's the reason we all put up with Chris. Leshawna: You're gonna give up the chance at a Million Big-Ones. Justin: That broken-down bus only had one stop. Heather: Step off! Gwen: You step off! Harold: Ow! Sorry, Leshawna! Leshawna: No harm done! Where is everybody? Gwen: Uh. 1.27 Celebrity Manhunt's TDA Reunion Show Įpisodes Monster Cash Duncan: Man, I miss the smell of the city.

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